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IX Governing Council Meeting 2002 Poznan, Poland

10 - 12 October 2002

Agenda | Minutes | Documents | Photos



A g e n d a
1. Opening of the Meeting
2. Adoption of the Agenda
3. Application of the Society of Irish Foresters for Membership
4. Reviewing of the specific tasks of the Members of the Presidency
5. EU matters and the Brussels Committee, status of the contacts/
representation of the Union in the European Union.
6. Questionnaires
a) Co-operation with EU Members
b) Educational matters
c) Public Relations
7. Updating of the UEF Home page and other actions concerning
8. Budget, financial matters and the auditing of the accounts
9. Publication of UEF Constitution
10. Working Plan for 2002/2003
11. Next Presidency Meeting and Governing Council Meeting
12. Miscellaneous

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