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Congress 2005 in Germany

Tuesday, January 25 , 2005 5542

Second announcement of CongressBund Deutscher Forstleute - 20th January, 2005UEF-Congress 2005 in Germany14th – 19th June 2005

Dear colleagues,we are looking forward to meet you at the Anniversary Congress of UEF from the14th to the19th of June 2005 in Germany. A lot of preparatory works has been done since our first announcement. In addition to the official meeting, the election of the new presidency and the seminar we will offer you interesting excursions. We hope to spent a nice time together, meeting new and old forest colleagues from all around Europe.

Programme of XVIth UEF Congress

Tuesday, 14th June: Arrival, transportation to the hotel
(Those, who arrive early, can participate on two short guided tours, one to the Center of Forestry, Weihenstephan and one to the town of Freising.)

Wednesday, 15th June:
In the morning: Opening of Congress
In the afternoon: Seminar "Multifunktional Forestry - Challenge for foresters and society" (working languages are English and German.)
Accompagnying Guests: Tour to Landshut
In the evening: Invitation by UEF: "40 years UEF"

Thursday, 16th June:
Continuing of the Congress Work (internal part) including the election of Presidency. (Working language of the Congress is English.)
Accompagnying guests: Tour by bus:

  • Benedictine abbey of Weltenburg (oldest monastery in Bavaria, founded around 600 AD)
  • Shipping through the Danube Aperture in the National Park Altmuehl Valley
  • Sightseeing and Shopping in Regensburg

Friday, 17th June:
Fieldtrip to the Bavarian mountain-area - visiting

  • Berchtesgaden
  • The „Königssee“ (The King’s lake)
  • The National Park Berchtesgaden and
  • the museum of traditional forest workers Laubau (Holzknechtsmuseum)combined with a presentation of modern chainsaw-technology by STIHL, ending with a typical Bavarian dinner in traditional atmosphere.

Saturday, 18th June:
Tour by bus to Munich - Including Guided Walking Tour of the Old Town, Lunch in downtown Munich in a traditional Bavarian restaurant, Dinner at the „Hofbräuhaus”
Sunday, 19th June: Departure


Now is the time for you to fill in the registration form! The registration-fee is 550 € per person (arrival the 14th of June, departure the 19th of June), including accommodation in double rooms, meals, transportation from airport/ railway station as well as during the Congress and entry fees.The additional costs for a single room are 80 € per person.

Please register at least before 1st of March 2005 !!
Because Freising is next to Munich airport, accommodation facilities in Freising are early booked out. Registrating later than 1st of March means, that accommodation with the agreed conditions cannot be guaranteed.
Please send your registration to:
BDF-Bundesgeschäftsstelle E-mail:
The participation fee can be paid in advance to bank account or in cash when arriving in Germany. Information about bank account payment will be given to those, who wish to pay in that way.

More information

If you wish more information, please have a look to our homepage or contact us by Email: or
Looking forward to your registration and your visit to Germany,
Sincerely Yours,
Bernhard Dierdorf (BDF)
Piotr Paschalis (UEF)

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