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Congress 2005 in Germany

Monday, September 13 , 2004 5837

First announcement of Congress 2005
Bund Deutscher Forstleute - 12th September, 2004 UEF-Congress 2005 in Germany14th – 19th June 2005
Dear colleagues,
UEF was founded in 1965 in Berlin and it is a great pleasure for us to invite you in the year of the 40th anniversary of UEF to the XVIth UEF-Congress 2005 in Germany which will be held from 14th–19th June 2005.
Participants and accompanying persons will be accommodated in the town of Freising which is situated in Bavaria next to Munich.
The Preliminary programme will start on Tuesday, 14thof June 2005 with the arrival of the participants. The opening of the Congress and a seminar entitled "Multifunctional Forestry – Challenge for foresters and society” will take place on Wednesday the 15th of June. The statutory Congress including the election of Presidency members will be held on the 16th of June. On Friday the 17th of June there will be a field study tour to the mountain area of Bavaria and on Saturday the 18th of June another fieldtrip to Munich.
Sunday the 19th of June will be the day of departure.
The preliminary costs for the participants and accompanying persons, arriving on the 14th and departing on the 19th June, will be about 550 Euro per person, including transportations, accommodation in double rooms and meals.More detailed information and the possibility of registration will follow soon.
Sincerely Yours,
Bernhard Dierdorf (BDF)
Piotr Paschalis (UEF)

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