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UEF attended the last CDG Forestry and Cork

Sunday, December 21 , 2014 7449

Our President Michael Diemer attended in Brussels on December 17th the last 2014 meeting

The meeting started with the approval of the minutes of the last meeting on 27th of May 2014. Juha Hakkarainen and Bernard de Galembert were elected as Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson.

Then the following points were discussed: The implementation of the new EU Forst Strategya:

a. State of play of the work of the Working Group on SFM criteria and next stepsppt-presentation by Maria Gafo (DG Agri);
b. Presentation and exchange of views on the Multi-annual implementationppt-presentation by Steve Smith (DG Agri);

Collaboration of the Civil Dialogue group on Forestry and cork with:
a. Expert group on Forest-based industriesppt-presentation by Jeremy Wall (DG Growth); new EG F-BI (tasks, new composition, new member state representation);
b. Bio economy panelpresentation by Thomas Dodd (RTD);
c. SCAR (Standing Committee on Agriculture Research)ppt-presentation by Doru-Leonhard Irimie (RTD.

The following meeting will be in 2015;

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