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XI CEDIA European conference in Brussels

Wednesday, November 12 , 2014 6602

UEF Presidency attended the XI CEDIA conference
The UEF member, CONAF Italia, in the frame of the Italian presidency of the EU, organized perfectly in the Brussels Congress Centre the XI CEDIA European Conference.UEF was represented by its President Michael Diemer and Hervé Némoz-Rajot (vice president). The conference studied the role of the agronomists in the rural and forestry development, the European Innovation Partnerships and the Agronomists' Charter with a lot of various speakers and chairmen. The EU project about the European Professional card of agronomist as well of foresters was also a topic. And the World exposition, EXPO 2015, in Milan was an other topic, connected to the role of CEDIA and the World Agronomists Association in this EXPO. UEF representatives attended also a part of the CEDIA board meeting in order to discuss in a positive way the development of fruitful contacts. 

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