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Presidency Meeting 1 December 2011, Brussels Belgium

Presidency meeting, 1.12.2011, Brussels

The last Presidency Meeting for the year 2011 was held on 1st of December in Brussels.

At the beginning of the meeting a Rental Contract between EUSTAFOR, AISBL, CEPF AISBL and UEF was signed. With the new contract UEF became an official member of the EFH tenants.

The issues discussed during the meeting were related to the updating of UEF web-page structure, UEF history project (A book about UEF history to be written until the Congress in Finland in 2013). New member contacts were also a topic discussed during the meeting, as well as the next meetings of the Presidency as well as the GCM in Halmstad, Sweden.

The UEF position about Revised Sulphur Directive was discussed.

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