Constitution of UEF
The Constitution of the UEF (abstracts)
(You can get the full version by clicking HERE )
The Union of European Foresters founded in 1965 is the European organization for all associations, societies and unions actively engaged in forestry. The objectives of UEF are:
- to defend and promote at European level the professional, ethical and material and syndicalistic interests of the individual members of its member organisations and take any action considered desirable to improve the position of foresters.
- to contribute to all attempts for a better recognition of the social role forests play and their importance in the protection of the natural environment,
- promoting close relations and cooperation between its member organisations,
- assisting member organisations in their own activities by supplying information and technical advice - to promote understanding and personal contacts between European foresters and their associations
- cooperating with Governments, European Parliament and other European and international organizations for the formation and implementation of decisions and regulations that promote forestry and the role forests play in the natural environment.
The UEF shall refrain from any party political activity. Member organizations of the UEF must be democratically organized and operated both constitutionally and in practice. The bodies responsible for the UEF management, are:
1. The Congress (shall meet every four years),
2. The Governing Council (shall meet at least once a year)
3. The Presidency
The Congress consists of the Presidency and delegates from all member associations.
The number of delegates varies between 1 and 5 for each association according to the number of members.