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UNECE-FAO Forest Communicators Network

Monday, July 09 , 2012 5644

Our UEF Secretary Thomas Baschny participated in the meeting
The Secretary of Union of European Foresters Thomas Baschny participated in the Meeting of the UNECE-FAO Forest Communicators Network (FCN), which took place during the period 19th – 21st of June 2012, Antalya, Turkey.
30 participants European Forest Communicator´s (Team of specialist´s) and foresters from Turkey participated in the meeting.Main outcomes of the meeting are:
Presentation of best practices in in Forest CommunicationImplementation of the Strategic Framework for Forest Communication in Europe Communication in Forest Europe Process. Ms Luisa CABELLO presented the development in Forest Europe process.
New impetus / challenges / value for the work of the FCNUp-date on international forest policy developmentsIt was decided a European Week of Forest’s to be established since next year. Participants: The next FCN-meeting will take place in Tallinn (Estonia) in May 2013.

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