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EESC meeting in Joensuu, Finland

Friday, October 09 , 2009 6028

Facing the challenge: Change in forests and the forestry sector EESC member Brendan Burns, Senior Vice President Finnish Forest Industries Federation Anders Portin, UEF President Håkan Nystrand and President of Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners MTK Juha Marttila in a discussion during the Joensuu Conference.

Pictures and information about the European Economic and Social Committee Conference in Joensuu, Finland, arranged yesterday 23rd of September 2009.
The three main items of the Conference were forest based industries, illegal loggings and climate change.Some of the speakers were Luìs Filipe Girào – Head of Unit, DG Enterprise and Industry, Forest-Based Industries, Jan Heino – Assistant Director-General UN/FAO, Filip De Jaeger – Secretary-General, European Federation of Wood-Working Industries (CEI-Bois), Riikka Manner - Member of the European Parliament, Christer Segerstèen – President, Confederation of European Forest Owners (CEPF).
UEF President Håkan Nystrand was one of the speakers and member of the panel under the item "Innovative and sustainable forest-based industries". More information about this Conference you will find from:
Further information: Håkan Nystrand, GSM +35840 761 5176
Picture: Håkan Nystrand and MEP Riikka Manner discussing just before the Conference started

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