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First Announcement of UEF Congress 2009

Monday, February 02 , 2009 5647

Official Notice of Congress CONGRESS OF UNION OF EUROPEAN FORESTERS 4th – 8th of June 2009 IN JEDLNIA, POLAND The Congress is the supreme authority of the Union of European foresters and will be arranged the next time 4-8.6.2009 in Jedlnia, Poland. The local arranging organisation is SITLiD. The Congress consists of the Presidency and delegates from all member associations. The number of delegates from each association according to the number of paid subscriptions is defined in detail in the statutes of UEF. The notice giving the date and locality of the Congress shall be sent to all member organizations at least nine months in advance. This happened on the 17th of June 2008 in the Presidency Letter. The Congress has also been announced to the member organisations on the homepage of UEF and at the Governing Council Meetings. Proposals by member organizations for motions for inclusion in the agenda for the Congress must be addressed to the Secretary of UEF at 3rd of February 2009 at the latest. That is four months before the Congress. Any amendments to these motions must be received at least two months before the Congress. The agenda will be drawn up by the Presidency and circulated at least two months before the Congress.
The statutes of UEF can be found on the homepage of UEF (downloads-section). The agenda, programme as well as registration for the Congress and other information can be found on the Congress pages on homepage of UEF . The possibility for registration will be opened later. On behalf of the Presidency of Union of European Foresters we wish you all welcome to the Congress in Jedlnia, Poland 4th – 8th of June 2009!

Håkan Nystrand  

Marian Stoicescu

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